Trailmon vs. Trailmon Digimon: Digital Monsters : Season 4 Episode 18

TV-Y7 Fuji TV 24m int(0)


The DATS crew and the Digimon inhabitants of the Sacred City are preparing for the impending battle with Kurata's forces. When news arrives that Kurata's camp has been discovered, Marcus naturally wants to head out and attack immediately. Thomas strongly disagrees with this plan, since it seems like Kurata is setting a trap for them. But all the Digimon eagerly support Marcus; he is the hero's son, after all. Thomas is confused and disheartened. The forces split with Marcus and Keenan going to engage Kurata while Yoshi and Thomas stay to protect the city. But Thomas realizes the real pivotal location will be the waterfall. If Kurata is able to somehow disrupt the flow, then Eldradimon will be left defenseless on a dessert floor. Nanami, one of the BioHybrids, has also headed to the waterfall. She tries to convince Thomas to join her. With their searing intellects, they could rule the world! She knows how lonely it is to be a genius among inferiors. Why does he waste his time defending Digimon? Thomas is unmoved by Nanami's reasoning. Her efforts at seduction fall flat and then the battle is on! She digivolvesinto BiolRotomon. At first it seems her BioHybrid strength will surely defeat MirageGaogamon, but Thomas refuses to lose! He and MirageGaogamon beats Nanami - but she still manages to destroy the waterfall and the safe moat around Eldradimon soon dries up.

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