Ep. #9486 : Season 38 Episode 57

Peacock int(0)


PREVIEW: Hope and Shawn both decide to confess to Colin's murder; John prepares to return to DiMera island. SUMMARY: At the hospital, Cassie is resting after giving blood, and Rex gives her some juice. Shawn comes in, and Cassie sends Rex out for breakfast and some magazines. Shawn tells Cassie that Belle is gone and that's good because he wants to talk to her. Shawn takes this opportunity to tell Cassie he can no longer keep the secret, and cannot ask her to either. He is going to tell. Cassie tells him it's her decision, and that she wants to keep the secret. Shawn tells her that too many people get hurt, and secrets have a way of coming out anyway. He goes to leave, and Cassie is agitated and jumps up to stop him, and faints in his arms. Shawn helps her back into bed and she says that she just got up too quickly. Shawn explains how the Salem P.D. all think that Tony is responsible for Colin's murder, and Cassie protests that Tony says he's always blamed for everything, and he

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